What If You Could Grab High-Ranking Web Pages,
Put Your OWN Content on Them -
and "HiJack" That Google Ranking for YOURSELF?
Everyone is hatin' on them lately... Except for ME!
While you-know-who* is Busy Locking Lenses Left and Right,
I've Found Out How To Grab Those Previously HIGH Ranking Lenses for MYSELF.
Would YOU Like To Know Which Lens Urls are Available for the Taking?
Hiya! =)
It's Jennifer (aka 'PotPieGirl') from PotPieGirl.com and OneWeekMarketing.com.
I've been a HUGE supporter and FAN of you-know-who for YEARS (since way back in 2007).
I know, you hear the word "you-know-who*" these days and you can't help but CRINGE!
But hear me out, ok?
What's happening with the site in question right now presents a HUGE opportunity for those that act fast and have the right information.
Let me explain -
Since early 2013, the HQ at you-know-who has been on a massive mission to "clean up their site" - and they have been locking lenses (pages on their site) like crazy.
It has people in SUCH an uproar.
Sure, there's been lots of complaining about it, but I don't hear ANYONE talking about the huge opportunity there is RIGHT NOW to turn those "lemons" into lemonade.
Let me show you something -
(note - this is NOT a TRAFFIC graph. the graph is a visual representation of the number of top-ranking keywords you-know-who has in the Google.com search results from January 2009 through June 2013)
Back in October 2012, you-know-who had top Google rankings for well over 7.8 MILLION keywords.
Then, early in 2013, you-know-who decided to "clean up" their site and started removing pages on their site that they didn't like anymore.
Basically, the pages WERE fine, but then you-know-who changed their rules and their game plan - which made a lot of pages NOT ok anymore.
So, they started removing content from tons of their pages (called "lens locking") and set those pages to be removed from the Google index.
In essence, they took the page AWAY from it's original owner and tossed the already-loved-by-Google page url BACK into the pool of available urls on the site that anyone else can claim and build out!
They handed a LOT of lemons to a LOT of people!
And they're still doing it to people daily with NO signs of stopping.
These are real people, just like you and me, that have had ALL their lenses on their account(s) locked all in one pop! We're talking folks with 100...200....500..and MORE lenses on their accounts GONE in the snap of your fingers.
These are pages that were ranking great, getting great traffic, AND, most importantly, making MONEY.
Many of these pages (lenses) had been online for YEARS and YEARS steadily getting traffic and sales - and making some extra money each month from you-know-who's advertising pool payouts.
And POOF, it all got taken away.
It's really sad.
Thing is, now that some time has gone by, we can really see the effect of you-know-who's actions.
Remember the 7.8 MILLION+ keywords you-know-who USED to rank for back in October 2012?
Well, let's take a look at the state of their Google.com rankings in June 2013.
Now they rank for just barely over 2 Million keywords.
What Happened to The OTHER 5 Million Keywords?
This situation is NOT a "Google Slap".
In fact, Google appears to still love them just the same as it has for years.
This is something that this SITE did.
you-know-who requested that Google "no-index" SO many pages on their site, that they have lost rankings in Google for well over 5 MILLION keywords!
Yes, you're understanding that correctly - you-know-who took away the page from the original person that built the page out, cleared the content off of the page, and then put the page url back into the pool of available urls that OTHERS can now use.
Thing is, many, MANY of those urls still have really nice Google Page Rank and their backlinks that helped them rank so well in Google in the first place.
All Google would want is some good content back on the urls and to be allowed to index them again - and PRESTO, YOU could be the one getting that traffic and sales!
The pages that were recently "locked" from their original owners are just sitting there, waiting for someone to grab the url, put some great content on it, and remind Google how much it already loved that url in the first place.
How Do You Find the URLs That Work This Way?
Well, I'm glad you asked that - now I know that you totally get the power and potential for what I'm saying!
In order to find those "lemonade" urls that YOU can grab, build out, and enjoy the Google love - you have to come across a page on their site that says:
(and my apologies to all those reading this that have HAD messages like this put on THEIR lens(es). It hurts!)
It's Like Trying To Find a Needle in a Hay Stack!
While it's well-worth the effort, it is really hard to find them without special tools. You pretty much just have to trip over them.
However, if you don't want to do it the hard way, I have some really good news for you.
*I* Have Access to the Tools that Allow Me To See the Urls and Keywords That Are Newly Available
That's right - each month I can scan ANY domain to see the keywords that they have lost in the past month - including you-know-who.
Yep, it sure comes in handy ;)
It's not cheap by any means, but oh SO worth it.
Right Now, I have a list of 120 High Page Rank urls WITH their ranking keywords....
Would YOU Like the List?
These are urls that are newly locked and/or available that very recently ranked very, very well for some really keywords.
I spent hours pouring over my tool reports hand-picking the ones *I* would snatch up in a heartbeat.
But *I* am not using them - Instead, I am offering them to YOU.
And trust me when I say that you are getting this list WAY cheaper than I did....and WAY easier!
Lots of money and time goes into creating these lists on my part.
In fact, I have THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of these urls and keywords ;)
But right now, the only way to the THOUSANDS is through this hand-picked list of 120 keywords and urls.
And they are some serious GEMS!
Heck, if you grab just ONE url that brings in an extra $50 a month or so, you are WAY ahead of the game.
Perhaps you don't even want a pre-used url..... you still get to see the sweet keywords that Google EXPECTS you-know-who to rank for ;)
Included in this package are 120 keywords and urls all in a pdf handbook that talks you through this process I call "reclaiming" a lens url.
No, I'm not going to be teaching HOW to make a lens in this guide. This first issue of PotPieGirl's Lemons To Lemonade is designed to give you the list of my hand-picked keywords and urls and to give my tips on how I make the url "reclaiming" process work best for me.
There is only ONE catch to this - there are NO REFUNDS.
This is something that once you see, you can not UNsee it. You can't "return" information your brain has already processed.
If you are uncomfortable at ALL with a no refund policy, do NOT purchase.
I'm a really nice person, but this is one of those times that I have to stick to my guns.
Again, if you're not cool with it, I totally get it. No pressure. (I don't "do" pressure any ol' way)
This first issue of PotPieGirl's Lemons into Lemonade List of 120 Keywords/Urls is on a "dime-sale" pricing model - meaning the price goes up a little bit every 5 sales.
And you know what they say - the early bird gets the lemonade!
(ok, that's not exactly what they say, but hey, it fits now...lol!)
SOMEONE is going to get these urls and keywords ranking in Google - why not YOU?
After payment, you will receive an email from JVZoo with your username and password to log in and get your download.
Trust me, you are GOING to be really thrilled to see what's on the other side of this page!
Also, be sure to confirm your email! As a BONUS, I send out Fast Action Bonus Lists whenever I come across new lens urls that are available RIGHT NOW. If you confirm your email, YOU will get those Bonus Lists too!
A Little Story About "Reclaiming" Lens Urls
I've had some emails from folks that are confused about WHY someone would do this technique of "reclaiming" a lens url so I thought I'd share something with you.
I've been doing this for YEARS. Wayyyyy back in 2009, you-know-who went through its first big lens-locking frenzy (yes, they've done this before). Really well-ranking lenses were getting locked and their urls were being tossed back into the lens url pool just waiting for someone else to reclaim them
Each day I'd check for new lenses that had been locked, look at their stats, and then make a list of the ones I wanted to watch daily.
Even tho the lens url wasn't available for me to reclaim right away, I knew that eventually it would be. It was up to me to keep an eye on it and do my due diligence.
In October that year, I came across a lens that had just been locked that had been ranking top of Page 1 in Google for a VERY big keyword.
I wanted it and I wanted it BAD.
Each day I'd check to see if that locked lens url would finally say "Go Fish" on it so I could grab that url and put my OWN content on it.
Then, one magical day in late October, it happened.
I was Johnny-on-the-spot (uh, "Jenni on the spot"? lol!) and clicked "create a lens" on my dashboard asap. I took a little time and put some of my own new content on it, published it, and then went about my business.
It didn't take any time for that lens to go right back to ranking on Page 1 of Google for that big keyword - which meant BIG traffic to the lens (which keeps that lens in a higher ad pool payout tier in you-know-who's site)
I'm about to share a screenshot with you from inside my account of the earnings stats from that ONE reclaimed lens url since I've had it.
It's a BIG picture, and I apologize. I tried to slice and dice it, but I don't really care to leave anything out.
My Earnings from that ONE Reclaimed Lens Url
No, that's not "life changing" money over that time, but it has all been FREE money. That lens just sits there and brings in some money each month - all because I took action and grabbed an opportunity.
I've come across quite a few gems like that over the years, and NOW - there are TONS of them out there for those that discover what is available - and watch it so they can snag it.
No, it's not a business model by any means. You can't rely on a free-to-use site as your primary income stream ever.
But, it's fun and free to do this "reclaiming" lens urls technique. And it's an easy way to put another little income stream flowing into YOUR pocket.
Moral of the Story: Even if a hot lens url isn't available to reclaim right this second, put it on your list and be the one that follows through and checks on it each day. A little extra money each month is totally worth the mere seconds it takes to check a url, right?
Just thought I'd share my story in hopes it answers some questions.
Important: Be sure to confirm your email! I send out Fast Action Bonus Lists whenever my scans come across a bunch of awesome new lens urls that are available immediately. You will only get these Bonus Lists if you confirm your email.
* If you're wondering why I don't just SAY the name of the site and keep saying 'you-know-who'... it is becaused I was told by their HQ to not use the name of the site or else I'd risk my accounts being terminated. Fair enough, happy to comply =)
*This product, nor its creator, are associated or endorsed by you-know-who or Google.com.