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Cynthia's Simple Neon Breakout MT4 Trading System - Affiliate Information

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Cynthia's Simple Neon Breakout MT4 Trading System information

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Cynthia Macy

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
Cynthia's Simple Neon Breakout MT4 Trading System 10/22/2018 100+ 0.95% $0.65 $67.85 50% 0%
Cynthia's Advanced Simple Neon Breakout MT4 Trading System 10/23/2018 50+ 0.98% $0.85 $87.13 50% 0%
Currency Strength Meter Indicator 05/24/2019 10+ 0.33% $0.14 $41.12 50% 0%
Traders Guided Meditation Video 07/03/2017 25+ 4.73% $1.87 $39.61 50% 3.85%