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LeadMagnet IQ Commercial - Affiliate Information

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LeadMagnet IQ Commercial information

Sale Price





Demetris Papadopoulos

Commissions paid via


Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
LeadMagnet IQ Personal 07/15/2024 <10 0.18% $0.05 $27.00 50% 0%
LeadMagnet IQ Commercial 07/15/2024 250+ 4.71% $1.73 $36.65 50% 3.53%
LeadMagnet IQ - OTO 2DS - DFY Suite Lite 07/15/2024 10+ 8.77% $1.49 $17.00 50% 0%
LeadMagnet IQ - OrderBump- Fast Pass Bundle Deal 07/15/2024 10+ 0% $0.00 $263.47 20% 6.67%
LeadMagnet IQ - OTO1 - Fast Pass Bundle Deal 07/15/2024 10+ 4.17% $10.29 $247.00 20% 0%
LeadMagnet IQ - OTO 2 - DFY Suite 07/15/2024 50+ 27.14% $7.33 $27.00 50% 3.70%
LeadMagnet IQ - OTO 3 - Limitless Traffic 07/15/2024 50+ 42.52% $8.49 $19.97 5% 4.23%
LeadMagnet IQ - OTO 4 - Agency 07/15/2024 <10 0% $0.00 $0.00 20% 0%
LeadMagnet IQ - OTO 4DS - Agency Lite 07/15/2024 <10 6.33% $6.14 $97.00 20% 20.00%