Setup Your JVZoo Sales Funnel & Protect Files On Amazon S3! (new for 2017...)
JVZoo has come a long way since it
first was released back in 2012.
Since there there have been a ton of
new features and additions to the
system that can baffle any beginner.
If you've always wanted to setup your
first sales funnel with multiple
upsells and downsells, then JVZoo
combined with PayPal is a great place
to start.
=> Your affiliate link
Inside this course you'll discover...
* Introduction To The JVZoo Sales Funnel Setup System
* Key Features Of The JVZoo Sales Dashboard
* Strategic Sales Funnel Planning For A Profitable Campaign
* Mapping Out Your Sales Funnel Process For Clarity
* Adding Your Front-End Product On JVZoo
* JVZoo Autoresponder Integration For Automated List Building
* Connecting Payment Processors To Your Account (Stripe, PayPal,
* Setting Up Your JVZoo Sales Funnel Upsells & Downsells
* Creating 'Buy Now' Payment Buttons, One-Time Offer 'Add To Cart' Buttons
* A Quick Overview Of Amazon S3 Cloud Storage System
* Delivering Gigabytes Of Content & Calculating Your Costs
* Navigating Your Way Through The S3 System
* Simplifying Access To Your S3 Account With Third Party Software
* Getting Your Display Name, Access Key & Secret Key To Connect
* Creating Buckets and Folders For File Upload
* Protecting Your Links & Content With Domain-Level Access
* Transferring Files From PC To Amazon S3
* Quick Method To Getting URL to Each File
...and to top it off you can even pick up
the full private label rights of social lead magnet kit, internet marketing kick-start lead magnet kit
and special bonuses to use as
material to setup your JVZoo sales funnel.
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