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WhatsApper - The WhatsApp Robot (One-Time Payment)
Amount $67.00
This is a single payment made in U.S. Dollars
WhatsApper is an All-In-One Bulk WhatsApp Messaging and Marketing Solution that's set to help you increase sales by over 700%
  • Send Bulk Messages on WhatsApp using this awesome software. You no longer have do to one-by-one. WhatsApper will do it for you
  • Mention the name of each recipient, making him/her feel the message was sent to him/her alone. A very powerful Marketing Strategy
  • You don’t need to have the numbers saved in your phone. You can import contacts externally and send messages to them. Also, you can export contacts into your system
  • Just like normal WhatsApp, the software allows you to send Bulk Message Content in the form of Text, Audio and Video
  • Official PayPal Seal
Total: $67.00

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