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Full Course General Chemistry Lectures
Amount $44.99
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Entire Year of GENERAL CHEMISTRY LECTURE NOTES (Sections 1-20). Handwritten, Easy-to-Follow Lecture Notes for General Chemistry. The FULL COURSE Notes (1st and 2nd Semesters) of General Chemistry Notes is 381 pages in length (Section 1 through Section 20
  • Section 1 - Section 20 (381 pages)
  • Handwritten, Very Neat, and Easy-to-Follow!
  • Immediate Pdf Download!
  • "I figured General Chemistry Notes would help me 'fill-in-the-blanks' with my own general chemistry lecture notes. It was a nice surprise to see that your Notes were so useful and helpful that I actually stopped taking my own lecture notes altogether. I just recently gave your 1st Semester Notes to my friend and he's stoked on it!"
    Clayton R.
  • "My General Chemistry [text]book was so difficult to understand that I decided to give General Chemistry Notes a try. I was worried about purchasing it mid-semester, but it was so easy to use! I started on Section 4 in the Notes and after a week I realized that I no longer needed by Chem [text]book. My study time has gone down but my grades on tests and quizzes are going up! Thanks for the help!"
    Ling H.
  • "My Gen. Chem. professor was awesome, but I was missing half of the lectures because I was always face-down writing notes. And the textbook was sooooo confusing. So, after checking out all of the free pages of your Notes, I knew you had a good thing here. That's why I bought the full General Chemistry Notes course. I told myself a better grade & understanding was worth the 45 bucks. Plus I hated taking notes during lecture. I mean, who wants to draw p-orbitals?!"
    Juliana S.
    • Official PayPal Seal
    Total: $44.99

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