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PODSheets - Excel Spreadsheet Magic to Create CSV Files for PODTurbo & Laser Chili
Amount $47.00
This is a single payment made in U.S. Dollars
PODSheets will save you time by automating the brain curdling repetitive tasks of setting up the CSV Upload Files in PODTurbo & Laser Chili.
  • TIME-SAVING: PODSheets will save you time by automating the brain curdling repetitive task of setting up the CSV Upload Files in PODTurbo and Laser Chili.
  • INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY: PODSheets will increase your productivity and help you stay on top of your print-on-demand business allowing you to focus on growing your business and increasing your sales.
  • USER-FRIENDLY INTERFACE: PODSheets is a user-friendly Excel spreadsheet on the surface, but has a lot of "magic" working for you in the background.
  • Official PayPal Seal
Total: $47.00

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