Secure Checkout

1 - Delivery Details

Step #1 Delivery

2 - Payment Options

How would you like to pay for your product?

3 - Review Your Order

400 clicks Solo Ad
Amount $200.00
This is a single payment made in U.S. Dollars
100% Email Traffic, At Least 85% T1 and 10% Overdelivery
  • 1000+ Email Clicks
  • 100% Solo Ads, At Least 85% T1 and 10% Overdelivery

Refund Policy

I Agree:
By ordering, you agree to these conditions:

I can guarantee only the number of clicks you order and the fact

that they are genuine clicks that you will receive within 72 hours

of your solo ad going out.

I can NOT guarantee sales and optins. I can not determine the

results you will have by using my service. Your results will depend

on how well your sales funnel converts.

I reserve the right to reject and refund any offer that may not be

suitable for my subscribers.

By making your purchase for a solo ad from me, you agree that solo

ads are non-tangible goods and are not covered by a refund option

for clicks that are delivered. I will refund any clicks not

delivered within the 72 hour period.

  • Official PayPal Seal
Total: $200.00

Completing your order, you confirm that you have read and agree to our Terms of Sales and consent.

  • All Fraud will be prosecuted. Your IP is
 Secure Assured