Marketing Ideas 101
  • Help your customers and donors beat a path to your door!
  • Have you been wondering how you can dramatically increase business?
  • Have you been watching your competition thrive while you struggle to stay afloat?
  • Have you been challenged to bring in more volunteers, sponsors, participants, attendees or clients?

The answer, folks, is to improve your marketing. Building quality marketing assets and a strong brand for your organization, service or product is vital to remaining competitive in today’s fast-paced economy. The marketplace can be unforgiving when it comes to the small business and nonprofit sectors, where small organizations vie for the same clients and resources as corporate giants toting multimillion advertising budgets

“How can the Ideas Toolkit help you dramatically increase your sales?”

The Ideas Toolkit is a collection of time-tested, proven marketing ideas that—when used daily—are GUARANTEED to achieve results for your business. Do you want to discover:

  • How to promote a product?
  • How to do e-business?
  • How to double sales?
  • How to begin marketing a new business?
  • How to build a robust strategic marketing plan?
  • How to find advertising ideas for small business?
  • How to market yourself online? (And have people actually CALL you?)
  • How to promote yourself or your cause with an event?
  • How to put on a workshop or seminar?
  • How to improve your marketing skills?
  • How to get more business?


“Why will these creative marketing ideas will help you easily achieve your business goals?”

How do I know these marketing ideas work? These ideas have worked for me. Let me tell you a little story:

One of my first ventures as a small business owner came around the time of the tech bubble burst of the late 1990’s. I was in my mid-20’s and knew nothing of the cyclic nature of markets or industries. Nor did I know much about marketing at the time.

I was, however, good with graphic design and I fancied myself a budding web designer. I lived in Florida and was working a full-time technical support job at a large computer hardware/software distributor.

Though the pay and benefits were good, the job just wasn’t doing it for me. I was answering phones all day and working on technical solutions that didn’t really speak to my creative side.

I realized I could spend the rest of my life in a cube farm and if I ever wanted to move onto bigger, better things, I probably needed to start my own business. “You can’t get rich working for someone else,” I told myself. I took on a business partner and we began building websites on the side, but I felt it was taking too long to build any momentum.

Eventually, I got my chance to become fully self-employed. One of my friends at that computer company was a member of a national car club. Apparently, the club had been disappointed by the first round of proposals to overhaul their website so they were accepting a second round of proposals.

I contacted the club’s Executive Director, figured out why they had been so disappointed, and my business partner and I submitted a full-color, 30-page proposal for a $34,000 website.

“We won the job!”

Fast forward six months. I have moved across the country, the job has been completed, the client is happy and—though we’ve taken on other clients since—my business partner and I have come to the stark realization we needed jobs.

Real jobs. Boo.

“By the time we pulled our heads out of our computers to look for more business, it was too late. All the money was gone.”

It turned out we knew NOTHING about marketing, sales or what it took to stay in business.

Since we were both good with computers, we took jobs at technical training companies. I eventually ended up working in state government. My business partner and I still moonlighted for our company—until he picked up a drug habit. After that, our friendship deteriorated quickly. That autumn, I made one of the toughest decisions of my life: I left the company to him in order to escape a toxic situation.

The cocaine and ecstasy proved to be too much for him. Within two years of my departure, my business partner suffered a massive heart attack. He was only 54 years old.

And the small company we had built? It died with him.

Still, I now had a portfolio of work to show for the effort. I built a website to show off that work and began to slowly rejoin the entrepreneurial world. At the next opportunity, I left the safety of a comfortable state government job to take a sales and marketing position with a small technology firm.

“I knew I needed to get better at business-to-business sales if I was ever to run a successful business.”

While the new job offered flexibility, the company suffered from horrible marketing practices—or lack thereof. Unfortunately, it was a constant battle to convince them to improve. I knew I needed help, so I studied every sales and marketing book, ebook, audio book and video I could get my hands on that year.

While I was with this company, the largest sale I made was a $725,000 contract to create a web-based education tracking system, sold to the State of Michigan.

However, on the first day I would have been eligible to collect my commission on that contract, the company terminated my position! According to my coworkers, I was not the first person they set free prior to a healthy commission payout.

So, there I was: jobless and deeply in debt (but my real estate investments are a whole other story.) I hit the ground running the next day and began working my new web and marketing business full-time (double-time, actually.)

“The marketing ideas in the Ideas Toolkit were born out of this ‘baptism-by-fire’ time of my life.”

  • These are the ideas that worked for me. They are tried and found true by myself and by other savvy business owners.
  • These are the ideas that planted my company name into the minds of business owners and professionals all across the city and state.
  • On many occasions, I have had people say, “Oh yes, I’ve heard of you!”That is EXACTLY what you want to hear. When you begin to see this phenomenon, you’ll know your marketing efforts are paying off, in spades.

Want ad for small business owners seeking breakthrough success

“Wanted: Small business owners ready for breakthrough success.”

Who is best positioned to reap HUGE BENEFITS from the Ideas Toolkit? These powerful marketing tips are perfect for:

  • small business owners
  • non profit organizations
  • work at home moms (WAHM’s!)
  • work at home dads (WAHD’s? lol.. that can’t be right..)
  • network marketers
  • public relations officers
  • marketing coordinators
  • local business owners
  • retail store owners
  • “mom and pop” shop owners
  • professional offices (i.e. dentists, doctors, lawyers, etc.)
  • serial entrepreneurs
  • home-based business owners
  • small- and mid-size businesses

“Why do I need to improve my marketing?”

As an entrepreneur, you need to…

  • build trust and deepen your relationship with your existing customers by providing friendly, relevant information about their business, their industry, ways you can help them achieve their goals, etc.
  • raise your local brand awareness above that of your competitors
  • leverage your local expertise and knowledge for future clients.

“It’s time to develop a solid presence in your local, state and national communities, generate qualified leads, build customer loyalty, stand out from local competition, and add new income streams. How do you do that?”

In the Ideas Toolkit, I reveal some of the most powerful marketing tips used by successful entrepreneurs to break through to their local markets. At last, you have a comprehensive step-by-step guide that addresses both your online and offline marketing efforts.

The powerful Ideas Toolkit includes:

marketing ideas toolkit

  • Three power-packed ebooks containing literally HUNDREDS of ideas help to succeed in business! Together, these three books provide you a thorough 1-2-3 approach to your marketing strategy, leveraging day-to-day marketing activities, online marketing and conducting live events!
  • Three downloadable audio book versions of the ebooks, so you can listen and review these tips and tricks over and over.
  • Six videos containing over half an hour of branding instruction.
  • Eleven FREE bonuses, including templates, calculators, guides and presentations to bring ideas, inspiration and motivation to your marketing efforts.
  • 3 months of membership access, allowing you to download all these resources at your leisure.

Let’s look in detail at what you get:

marketing ideas ebook, marketing ideas, small business marketing ideas, nonprofit marketing ideasBook #1: Ideas
(108 pages, ebook)

The Ideas ebook contains 101 great marketing ideas you can begin putting into action today. These ideas will help you build your brand into a local household name. Work these ideas for a year and I GUARANTEE you will be well known in your local community.

“Even if you are starting from scratch with zero marketing experience, you can begin building a strong brand and increasing revenues TODAY.”

Do you know business owners or non-profits (maybe even yourself) who:

  • Find themselves muddling their way through their day-to-day business operations, with little hope of increasing their effectiveness or reach compared to last year or the year before?
  • Have a weak marketing plan (or no marketing plan?)
  • Have run out of fresh ideas to increase memberships or revenues?
  • Are frustrated because they just don’t know how to reach more people?

marketing ideas book as seen at Amazon and Barnes and Noble

When marketing, one of the primary concerns that boils up is frustration over spending money on the intangible (often the case when results aren’t being tracked!)

Most small business owners either can’t afford to go to an established marketing firm…


…they can’t wrap their minds around spending tens of thousands to have a firm develop a marketing strategy for them.

As a result, the already-insanely-busy small business owner often attempts to take on yet another role in their company—creative marketing director.

Over the years, I have had many small business owners, operators and officers approach me for ideas by which they could market themselves. Often, it was a shoestring budget they were working with. Other times, they were fortunate enough to be pulling from a deep company well.

For the folks with the smaller budgets, I came up with my “One-Hour Power Paper”, where I would charge for a single hour’s worth of putting marketing ideas to paper, tailored to their particular company. This was good, but these papers had a few disadvantages for both the client and myself.

  • First, these documents were short; maybe only a few pages, containing twenty top-of-the-brain ideas, at most.
  • Second, these ideas were based on my limited knowledge of their company and marketing skill, usually from a couple hours of conversation and some pre- meeting online research.
  • Third, I always spent more than an hour on the papers, even though I was only charging for one ($95).

Marketing is not an exact science. In fact, it’s part science, part magic and intuition.

For the science, you study your options, clients, goals, prospects, strengths and competition.

For the magic, you devise the plan, craft the message and direct resources in a particular direction, based on what is now an educated guess.

Finally, you end with more science in studying the ongoing results for further refinement.

Devising the plan is where most organizations get stuck. They need ideas.

This is why I wrote Ideas! In this book, you will find over 100 ideas for marketing your business or non-profit organization. Each idea is organized by category. Subjects include:

  • Strategy
  • Event Ideas
  • Event Promotion
  • Networking
  • Community Involvement
  • Media Relations
  • Marketing Collateral
  • Atmosphere
  • Surveys and Tracking the Return on Your Marketing Dollars

Here are some examples of what you’ll find in Ideas:

marketing ideas examples

What do you want to achieve by improving your marketing?

Do you want to:

  • Attract hundreds (even thousands) of visitors, many of whom become new business?
  • Qualify prospective customers?
  • Nurture, encourage and develop the relationship you already maintain with existing customers, increasing both loyalty and repeat business?
  • Command undivided attention?
  • “Help” clients away from your competitors?
  • Reach your clients with seasonal specials, interesting jewels, etc.?
  • Open new markets globally?

If your answer is ‘yes’, you are ready for the Ideas Toolkit.

“Here is what other serious ‘business activists’ have said about Ideas…”

Ideas will arm you with the inspiration to attract the sales, people and opportunities you’ve been seeking. This book is a fantastic collection of 101 marketing and branding best practices. Matt, thank you for this no-nonsense, play-by-play guide to marketing. You’ve taken many of the best-kept secrets for success and created a fun, page-turning blueprint.

~Joe Vitale
Author of The Attractor Factor and Hypnotic Writing

marketing ideas ebook divider gray

You can spend 20 years in business trying to figure out how to effectively market your product or service… or you can buy Ideas by Matt Schoenherr and get going today. This is a ‘best practices’ marketing manual for the 21st century, packed with practical ideas and presented in an easy-to-follow format.

Every small business owner should read this book.

~Tom Donaldson, Regional Director
Michigan Small Business & Technology Development Center

marketing ideas ebook divider gray

The picture Matt paints for you in the pages that follow may surprise, delight, and excite you in what you instantly recognize as extremely positive ways to approach business; no longer from a perspective of scarcity but from abundance.

~John Meatte, CEO
Meatte Marketing

marketing ideas ebook divider gray

A brilliant and effective resource for professionals and self-starters who want to inject enthusiasm and a renewed sense of energy into their business. These ideas can be implemented right away, and—if implemented—could easily make you a million dollars. What a great resource to bridge the gap between relationship and tradition marketing. A must-read for anyone who wants to supercharge their business!

~Susan Kledzik, Consultant
Soar the Web, LLC

marketing ideas ebook divider gray

Matt has great ideas and shares real solutions with you to take your business to the next level. He does a great job showing the ‘one-person business’ the magic of big company marketing; easily accessible at your fingertips for free.

~Kathy Bass, The Branding Lady™
Founder of Ladies Who Brand, Inc.

Two free bonuses are included with Ideas:

Bonus #1.

The first bonus is a FREE marketing calendar, helping you track upcoming marketing opportunities to determine where your real return on investment is coming from.

Bonus #2.

The second bonus is the Why You Want to Treat Your Clients Like Gold calculator. This Excel-based calculator begins to teach you about the value of your customers and why you can’t afford to not treat them well.

marketing ideas ebook divider

marketing ideas online ebook, internet marketing ideas, online marketing ideas, marketing online ebook, internet marketing ebookBook #2: Ideas Online

In my mind, Ideas has one inherent flaw. It’s 100% focused on the “real” world and doesn’t address online marketing via the World Wide Web. Ideas Online addresses this issue. Ideas Online contains:

  • 2 popular approaches to marketing before you begin any campaign
  • Why Google is NOT the only online marketing Holy Grail
  • 7 common SEO myths
  • 50 tips for getting your website to the top of Google and other popular search engines
  • 9 red flags to run from if you see them in your web design company
  • 12 tips for selecting the web design company that’s right for you
  • How to choose keywords for your website
  • How to then work those keywords into your website
  • The slippery slope of e-newsletter marketing
  • 8 email sins sure to shorten your mailing list

More and more, you are searching for ways to market yourself online. It’s become easier to search for “widgets in my city”—and if you don’t find one in your city, you can easily widen the search to “widgets in my state”. Now try to widen your search with a heavy phone book! How do you begin to differentiate yourselves in the online marketplace?

FREE Ideas Online Bonuses

Plus, the Ideas Online collection also includes two new articles from my Marketing Mastery series, where I pull back the veil on secret marketing techniques used by top marketers and successful entrepreneurs:

Bonus #3.

Marketing Mastery Series: Five Steps to Powerful Article Marketing

Bonus #4.

Marketing Mastery Series: Slaying the Myth of Free Shipping

Bonus #5.

Finally, I’ve included the presentation “How to Market Yourself Online (and Why)” produced by myself and SEO expert, Wayne Boesiger. This ebook-style slide presentation shows you the hard reality and numbers telling exactly why you need to be marketing online.

marketing ideas ebook divider

marketing ideas live events ebook, live event ideas, how to run a live event, how to run a seminar, how to run a conference

Book #3: Ideas Live
(ebook + templates)

The Ideas Live collection provides everything you need for conducting your own live event. Regardless of whether you are creating a seminar or running a workshop, the Ideas Live ebook covers:

  • The single tip you need to begin mastering public speaking
  • How to ensure smooth registration for your live event
  • Wining and dining your event participants
  • Event promotion, marketing and presenter selection
  • Avoiding the technology traps at your next event
  • Proper pacing and pomp
  • How to keep breakout sessions from breaking your event
  • How to deal with continuing education credits
  • Closing your event with a bang

The Ideas Live collection also offers editable templates for conducting your own live events. I’ve included everything you’ll need to conduct a successful live event, regardless of whether you expect 10 participants or 1,000. These downloadable templates include:

  • Flyers
  • Agendas
  • Presentations
  • Live event checklists
  • Credit card order form
  • Workshop participant agreement
  • Video/photo waiver
  • Sign-in sheet
  • Door signs
  • Breakout session facilitator schedule
  • Speaker evaluation survey
  • and more!

marketing ideas ebook divider culture of success videos

Culture of Success Video Series

Over 30 minutes of video instruction on branding yourself in the marketplace, setting yourself apart from your competition and breaking through the advertising din that surrounds us. Titles include:

  • How Branding Saved Me From Getting Arrested On My Honeymoon
  • What Is Branding?
  • What Is Your Singular Idea?
  • What Is Your Brand Personality?
  • The Visible Brand
  • Brand Loyalty

FREE Culture of Success Bonuses

Includes the following bonus material:

Bonus #6.

The Culture of Success presentation, in ebook-style slide format

Bonus #7.

Marketing Mastery Series: The Quest for Ye Old Logo

marketing ideas ebook divider

Additional FREE Bonuses!

Bonus #8.

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Public Domain Money Machine
(16 pages, FREE ebook)

Discover how to find free public domain works, create more value for your customers, and produce great content in less time. Public domain work can help you build a publishing empire without ever writing a single word, taking a single picture, or recording anything. And best of all, it’s free! Big names like Walt Disney and Ted Turner use public domain to amass fortunes, so why not you? Follow in their footsteps and start building your own paycheck from freely available books, ebooks, photographs, songs, movies and other media.

With “Public Domain Money Machine” you discover, step-by-step:

  • Where to find free public domain work that you can sell for a premium price
  • How to turn any public domain work into a downloadable product, in a few minutes
  • Where to sell your public domain work
  • How to re-purpose a single work into multimedia formats for maximum profit

Bonus #9.

acres of diamonds

Acre of Diamonds, unabridged, by Russell Conwell
(30 pages, FREE ebook)

Opportunity surrounds us; you just have to keep your eyes open. Toward the end of his life, Russell H. Conwell observed, “I am astonished that so many people should care to hear this story over again. Indeed, this lecture has become a study in psychology; it often breaks all rules of oratory, departs from the precepts of rhetoric, and yet remains the most popular of any lecture I have delivered in the fifty-seven years of my public life.” He then went on to explain to each audience that “acres of diamonds are to be found in this city, and you are to find them. Many have found them. And what man has done, man can do. [They are] are not in far-away mountains or in distant seas; they are in your own back yard if you will but dig for them.” The tale Conwell shares in this book, concerning a wealthy Persian named Ali Hafed, demonstrates that almost everything we may seek elsewhere is already in our lives and available to us.

Bonus #10.

think and grow rich

Think and Grow Rich, unabridged, by Napoleon Hill
(253 pages, FREE ebook)

Napoleon Hill spent over 20 years interviewing the most successful men of his time and then put the findings of his study into “Think and Grow Rich”. The fact is that successful people think differently. This is why a multimillionaire can lose his entire net worth and have it all back in five years (or less) while unsuccessful people plod along and never amass any real level of wealth or success. Hill states that when the secret appears to you, whether it be in the first ten pages or on the 200th page, your life will change. If you learn and apply the simple basic techniques revealed here, you will have mastered the secret of true and lasting success. As Napoleon Hill says, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Bonus #11.

advertising in a recession

Advertising in a Recession
(FREE 1-page article, complete with original charts)

Originally printed by the Wall Street Journal. When times turn bad, they’re made worse by hesitation, halfway measures, and panicky decisions. Such as the decision to reduce or eliminate advertising. The fact is, companies that maintain or increase their advertising spending during recessions get ahead. A less crowded field allows messages to be seen more clearly, and that increased visibility results in higher sales both during and after a recession.

Fantastic! I’m ready to get my copy of the Ideas Toolkit!


“Warning: I’ve told you a lot about what the Ideas Toolkit is, but I feel I need to also cover what it is NOT…”

  • The Ideas Toolkit won’t do the marketing for you. You MUST be willing to ACT on these ideas! Taking action is a necessary step in the creative process whether you are building a business or creating awareness to further a social cause.

    Having an idea is great, but without taking inspired action, that idea remains merely a dream.

  • While you can do many of these great marketing ideas yourself for free, some of these ideas DO cost money to implement. Some cost a little, while some will cost more. Sometimes you need to take on printing costs, buy promotional items, pay a web designer or take on other business-related expenses to help get the word out about yourself.

    Investing in building your marketing skills by buying the Ideas Toolkit actually falls into this category!

  • Sometimes it will depend on HOW you implement these ideas. For instance, you can do a live event on a shoestring budget! Or, you can put on a huge event with hundreds of participants.

    How crazy you get with these ideas depends upon your priorities, time, team and budget.

  • This is NOT a quick fix, patch or band-aid. Marketing your own business to the world takes time, persistence and guts. Period. It requires commitment to raising the quality of life for your customers, your loved ones and yourself through service to others. If you want a “get rich quick” scheme, there are plenty of other products that will promise to make you an overnight success.

    In the immortal words of financial guru, Dave Ramsey: “I don’t sell microwave ovens, I sell crock pots.”

You have arrived here, now, for a reason.
You are reading this for a reason.
It is time to take action.

marketing ideas ebook author Matt Schoenherr

With the Ideas Toolkit, you have at your fingertips years worth of tried and true marketing ideas, that will—if put to use—reap great rewards for you.

The purpose of the Ideas Toolkit is to help business owners and non-profits—from the one-person show to the marketing department—with the magic of marketing: the creative ideas.

The Ideas Toolkit has been designed to bring you the wealth of creative solutions myself and others have used successfully and offer them as an alternative to paying large amounts of money to professional marketing firms for the same ideas.

Certainly, face-to-face, professional expertise can’t be totally replaced, but it is my intent to place creativity and proven ideas into your hands at a reasonable cost. The Ideas Toolkit offers you a great beginning—a starting point. The Ideas Toolkit offers you a solid foundation of easy-to-follow, step-by-step marketing advice to help you build your strategic marketing plan.

Within the Ideas Toolkit you will find real solutions to your marketing mystery. Some are simple, while others are more complex. Some ideas you can implement for free, while others will cost. Regardless of which ideas you use, remember that all of them merit consideration.

As a client told me once, “Sometimes, all it takes is one good idea.”

In support of your efforts,
101 marketing ideas
Matt Schoenherr
Dreamscape Multimedia

Your satisfaction is assured through our no risk, you-can’t-lose, 100%, no-questions-asked, iron-clad money-back guarantee.

If for any reason, you aren’t thrilled and satisfied with your purchase, just contact us within 8 weeks and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase price.

What I’m saying is don’t decide now if Ideas is right for you.

Try it out for 60 days—risk free.

If it doesn’t help you overcome any stumbling blocks to marketing your business or nonprofit, if it doesn’t show you how to reach your market, if it doesn’t take you by the hand and give you great ideas for reaching out to your community, if it doesn’t make creating your own marketing plan easier, then I don’t want your money… I’ll give it all back.

My “100% No Risk To You” Guarantee

marketing ebook money back guarantee

100% Money-Back Guarantee for 60 Days!

Look, I’m completely confident that the Ideas Toolkit is exactly
what YOU need to finally get your small business off the ground.

In fact, I’m so confident it’ll work for you, I’m prepared to let
you try it risk free for an entire 60 days.

That way, you get peace of mind, and I do too.

You see, I don’t have to worry that you’re at all unhappy,
because if you decide Ideas Toolkit isn’t the right system for you,
I will give you a full refund at any time during the
60 days.

So you’re free to download the whole thing and try it out.
Watch the videos, see the blueprints, try a couple
methods—just try it out for size…

And if you don’t make money, don’t make enough money,
or just don’t like the system, no problems at all!

You’ll get every last cent refunded to you.
No questions asked.

I just wanted to make it clear to you that this is a
completely no-risk purchase.


So how much does the Ideas Toolkit cost? You may begin viewing and downloading this great collection of business-building advice instantly for only $47. Membership is $47 monthly, cancel anytime.


Here’s how to order right now!

Your Secure, Risk-Free Acceptance Form


Yes, Matt!

I’m more than ready to get my hands on the brand new Ideas Toolkit instantly for only $47. I understand my satisfaction is 100% guaranteed with your no-questions-asked 60-day money back guarantee.

Immediately after ordering the book, I understand that I’ll register for instant access to a password-protected site so I can access everything immediately.

Once in the password-protected site, I’ll immediately be able to access all of the incredible information on marketing my small business…including:

All THREE ebooks, including Ideas, Ideas Online and Ideas Live. Each guide will walk me through every step of the formula completely and thoroughly.

Plus, the PDF ebooks I can easily refer back to as ‘notes’, or simply read them at my leisure or print them out and highlight.

6 Culture of Success videos, consisting of over 30 minutes in-depth knowledge regarding my branding efforts.

Plus…I’ll get the following 11 FREE bonuses:

Bonus #1 – Marketing calendar worksheet

Bonus #2Why You Want to Treat Your Clients Like Gold calculator

Bonus #3Marketing Mastery Series: Five Steps to Powerful Article Marketing

Bonus #4Marketing Mastery Series: Slaying the Myth of Free Shipping

Bonus #5How to Market Yourself Online (and Why) presentation

Bonus #6 – The Culture of Success presentation, in ebook-style slide format

Bonus #7Marketing Mastery Series: The Quest for Ye Old Logo

Bonus #8Public Domain Money Machine (16 pages, FREE ebook + 10 minute audio)

Bonus #9Acre of Diamonds, unabridged, by Russell Conwell
(30 pages, FREE ebook)

Bonus #10Think and Grow Rich, unabridged, by Napoleon Hill
(253 pages, FREE ebook)

Bonus #11Advertising in a Recession (FREE 1-page article, complete with original charts)

I also understand my order will be processed on a totally secured server, and once it is processed, the Ideas Toolkit and everything else above will be available for me to download immediately.

marketing ebook money back guarantee
Finally, I also understand the Ideas Toolkit comes with a 60 day, 100% no-questions-asked money back guarantee.

If for any reason I am not completely satisfied, I will receive a prompt 100% refund of the full purchase price.

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P.S.- You will be accessing these great marketing ebooks, videos, audio and bonuses within just a few minutes… and using them to get your very own marketing efforts launched as soon as today!


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